Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Classic TV Review: WWF Championship Wrestling January 21, 1984

WWF Championship Wrestling: January 14, 1984 

From the Agricultural Hall Allentown, Pennsylvania Taped January 3, 1984

Vince and Gene's intro is abruptly cut off.  We're back with good ole Joe McHugh who is quickly growing on me.

Dr. D. David Schultz d. Jimmy Jackson in 2:00.
Schultz wastes no time flooring Jackson with a back suplex followed by a flurry of elbows, yelling "get up, boy!" as he drives him into the corner then hits a stiff back breaker. Another suplex as Piper claps from the outside.  Schultz hits a reverse neckbreaker (rude awakening).  Jackson tries to fight back but Dr. D isnt in the mood to give him much.  Schultz hits another slam and then his flying elbow from the top.  "Look at Piper with the kilt on!: Vince exclaims as Piper and Schultz high five each other. 

Tito Santana d. "Butcher" Paul Vachon in 2:20.
Man, it must have been depressing to be a star in the territorial era only to have it come to this once the expansion happens.  A fan has a sign that reads, "Sensational Santana".  Howard Finkel voices over a Maple Leaf Garden card hyping Piper wrestling, so I guess he's only a manager exclusively on t.v.  Santana gives Vachon a bit just as Snuka did last year, but perhaps they both realized that the notoriously tough Vachons will just take it if you don't give it.  Santana fights back after a back rake, whipping Vachon into the corner, but the ref distracts Santana allowing Vachon to take over.  He's all back rakes, drags across the top rope and bites.  A pair of dropkicks  and the flying forearm from Santana finishes off the Butcher. 

Gene with arena promos pushing a card in Buffalo.  Fuji in for an interview plugging his match with Tiger Lee challenging Atlas & Johnson for the tag belts.  Fuji says that the belts once belonged to Fuji and will again. He then brings out a samurai sword, pretending to shave himself, so at least if Atlas & Johnson lose the belts they'll get a shave out of the deal. Gene says he "gets as nervous as a long tail cats in a room full of rocking chairs" when Fuji unleashes his sword. Santana is in, he'll challenge Magnificent Muraco for the Intercontinental Title.  Santana says that Muraco is overlooking him and looking at the new champion The Sheik, so we're back to Sheik as champion here.  Sgt. Slaughter blows his whistle, holding a rolled up piece of paper in his hand.  He's facing "Andre The Maggot".  Slaughter says Buffalo is "garbage". Slaughter is calling Andre's bluff and calls himself the greatest wrestler of all time.  He says Andre will be called "the midget maggot" once Slaughter is done. Slaughter was really ahead of his time with getting a character based gimmick complete with catchphrases over.  

A Weird Angle...

The Iron Sheik d. Mike Dorsett in 1:48.
Fuji is in the ring and Vince informs us that The Iron Sheik was originally supposed to be here in Fuji's place, which immediately brings him out with Ayatollah Blassie. Blassie tries to get Fuji out of the ring while the ref mediates.  Finally Fuji bows and leaves.  What a weird kind of pointless angle.  Maybe they're trying to put over the idea of substitutions before the Hogan win that's coming up soon?  Fans chant USA vociferously.  Sheik dominates while Finkel does a voiceover offering charter subscriptions to Victory Magazine.  Sheik slams Dorsett down, stomping him the curl toed boots.  Dorsett fights back briefly but Dorsett takes a boot to the face then hits him with a back suplex and taps him with the camel clutch.  Iron Sheik takes the mike and does his "Iran Number One" schtick.  

One Of These Men Probably Killed Someone...

The Invaders d.Ken Jugan & Israel Matia in 3:31.
Holy shit, Brody's murderer on 1984 WWF TV.  Guessing this was some sort of talent trade deal between WWF and WWC.  Weird absence of commentary at the beginning of the match.  Jobbers are playing heel here as Matia who is bald claims one of the Invaders pulled the hair.  Matia gets bounced around the ring with a bunch of hiptosses.  Quick tags in and out from the Invaders. Vince seems to be building a rivalry between Invaders and Samoans based on how difficult each team is to tell apart from each other.  C'mon, Afa and Sika don't look THAT much alike.  You even bothered to give them their own names unlike Samoan #3.  Vince announces Paul Orndorff versus Tony Garea for next week.  In a finish I've never seen before, Invader#1 hooks Jugan under the arms like a double arm chicken wing while invader#2 comes off the top onto Jugan with a swanton splash for the pin.  The camera strangely focuses on some guy returning to his seat holding concessions.

Hot Rod Berating A Poor Jobber

Paul Orndorff d. Rudy Diamond in 3:41.
Somehow McHugh butchers "Rowdy" when introducing Piper as Orndorff's manager.  Vince keeps pushing Piper's prowess as a wrestler, so perhaps the plan wasn't always for him to stay as a manager.  Orndorff and Piper warn the coat boy to take care of his robe as the crowd chants "Paula" drawing Ordorff's ire.  Diamond is barefoot which I don't think I've ever seen in a jobber.  Finkel does a voiceover that is so quiet as to be barely audible.  Orndorff viciously stomps Diamond then tosses him from the ring.  He is a really great brutal heel, the total jock jerk who picks on everyone.   He hammers Diamond who falls back into the ring and stomps him more. Piper yells loudly at Diamond from inside the ring.  Diamond tries to fight back with headbutts, the go-to for every black wrestler back in the day.  Orndorff drops Diamond with a suplex but pulls him up at 2 at Piper's behest.  Orndorff hits his excellent piledriver, pinning Diamond with his foot.  Piper yells at McHugh causing McHugh to chuckle as he announces Orndorff as the winner.  

Jose Luis Rivera d. Frankie Williams in 2:35.
Williams of course will become the first victim of Piper in the Pit when it debuts next week, I believe.  He is indeed announced as being from "Columbus, Ohio."  They lock up and Rivera grabs a headlock which Williams reverses into an arm bar.  Another inaudible voiceover from Finkel.  There is more parity in this match then I've seen in an enhancement match this side of Primetime Wrestling. They push the Orndorff-Garea in a loser becomes an agent match.  Vince announces that Hogan will be here, no doubt to push the title win that happens Monday.  Williams swings at Rivera, who ducks and picks Williams up in the fireman's carry for the pin.  This was pretty much just a filler segment to get other stuff over on commentary.  A graphic for next month's feature bout of Orndorff vs. Garea.  

And the episode weirdly cuts off.  No Victory Corner this week, which is just as well I suppose as the Pit is coming soon and is a 100x improvement.  This seemed like a filler episode as it was the last of the taping set.  If I didn't know better I'd say there were only like 10 people on the roster as over the past three weeks they've only put over a select few guys.  Next week should be focused around the debut of Piper's Pit and the announcement of Hogan as the new champ.   

Before I review the Janaury 28 episode, I'll review the MSG Show from January 23 where Hogan wins the title, so be on the lookout for that soon.  

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